The artists
Discover our section dedicated to art, where we highlight artists whose craftsmanship and passion for creation reflect our commitment to promoting independent craftspeople and traditional know-how.
Immerse yourself in a universe where each piece tells a story, where meticulousness and creativity meet to give birth to unique works, like our passion for independent watchmaking.
Brice de Warlincourt
Brice de Warlincourt is a Genevan artist whose artistic style results from a fusion between the techniques of origami and those of lutherie.
Charlotte Perrot
Fusing painting and collage, Charlotte Perrot creates portraits on plexiglas, revealing an imaginary universe in vibrant hues.
Globe Sauter & Cie
Explore the world with Globe Sauter & Cie. Globes entirely handmade, combining tradition, creativity and exceptional durability.
Monsieur GAC
Monsieur GAC's contemporary still lifes captivate with their subtle interplay of light, offering a visual poetry in which each object becomes a protagonist.
Olivier Caux
Olivier Caux realizes entirely by hand his resin sculptures, transcribing through them his obsession for movement with an offbeat spirit.